Ontario families with children can expect to receive a new round of payments from the government aimed at relieving pressures related to the pandemic.

The provincial budget released Wednesday revealed the Ontario COVID-19 Child Benefit will give parents at least $400 for each of their children in a third round of payouts, doubling the amount previously issued under the measure.

The direct payment, paired with a temporary 20 per cent top-up on Ontario's child-care tax credit, is aimed at easing the economic burden on parents and allowing them to return to work.

"For some, that [burden] includes financial challenges caused by the pandemic. For many, it includes new expenses to start virtual learning or child care," Finance Minister Peter Bethlenfalvy said in his budget speech. "For all, it includes anxiety about their child's future in a world that will look different than it does today."

The first round of direct payments to parents, called the Support for Learners program when it was announced nearly a year ago, offered $200 per child under the age of 12 or $250 per child or youth with special needs aged 21 and under.

The second round, announced in November, expanded its criteria in January to include all kids in Grade 12 and younger.